My interests are education, work, and people watching. I have had a knack for writing ever since I acquired a passion for it when I was teenager. Now, at 52 years young, I feel I have enough experience to write about anything proposed to me. From lyrics to business write-ups to Hunter S. Thompson-style personal opinions on social issues, I can do it all. As the commercial says, “I’m not bragging, I’m applying for a job.”
I love to do research. I love to gain more knowledge about the topics I already know about and I love to research topics that are unfamiliar to me and learn something new. Over the years, my research methods have changed. The public library used to be my regular stomping ground before the Google machine was invented. At the public library, I learned how to be a better pool player…by finding, and studying, material written by professional billiard players. I learned to be a better writer this way as well. I read and absorbed everything I could about topics such as writing a book to the collected works of Bernie Taupin. Ahhh, the late 70s!
I later took these carefully honed research skills and applied them to internet research. The learning curve for that type of transition was interesting, to say the least, but very much worth it. It is this type of “out of the box” thinking that makes me good at what I do.
I am passionate about writing because, simply put, it is a gift. As someone once said, “It’s not a matter of you wanting to write…it’s a matter of you needing to write.” When the muse is there, it never leaves. You just do it, nurture it, watch it grow, and get better with age.
Paid Forum Posting (or as we affectionately call it around here – PFP) is a great company to work for because the atmosphere that the owners and other writers give to the place is friendly, welcoming, and just plain nice. The diversity of our clients keeps us learning and growing everyday.